STORIE E MISFATTI DI AINZ E LA CICCI... DAL 21-9-05 (meglio tardi che mai)

martedì, gennaio 30, 2007

NEWS - Drug use stable for 10 years

The use of hard and soft drugs by the Dutch has remained stable over the past 10 years, according to health ministry figures. Some 5.5% of the population use cannabis while hard drugs (ecstasy, cocaine and heroin) are used by 1.5%.
These figures have changed very little over the last decade, although ecstasy use has gone up, the figures show.

e poi dicono che la liberalizzazione non funziona!!!


martedì, gennaio 09, 2007

NEWS - Cocaine hidden in supermarket bananas

Supermarket staff in Zuid-Limburg have found 50kg of cocaine hidden in a shipment of bananas. Police said drug smugglers appeared to have made a logistical error by delivering three boxes to a supermarket in Hoensbroek and Brunssum by mistake. The haul was valued at between €3m and €4m.



NEWS - Major traffic jams around Amsterdam

The Monday morning rush hour caused almost 450 kilometres of traffic jams as commuters returned back to work after the Christmas break, reports the VID traffic information service.

The biggest problem was caused by an accident involving four cars and two lorries on the busy A4 motorway which resulted in a 16 kilometre traffic jam around Amsterdam a seven kilometre backlog on the A44.

An accident in Rotterdam also caused major problems on the A16 between Breda and Rotterdam.



sabato, gennaio 06, 2007

NEWS - Belgium popular for hiding dodgy money

The Dutch have some €8.5bn in ‘black money’ deposited in Belgian bank accounts Belgian paper De Morgen reports today. In total, the Dutch have some €27bn stashed away abroad, the paper says.

Most of the money in Belgium is on banks just over the border. Belgium is so popular because of its banking secrecy laws.

VERY DODGY... tutto il mondo è paese!!!!!!
