STORIE E MISFATTI DI AINZ E LA CICCI... DAL 21-9-05 (meglio tardi che mai)

venerdì, aprile 27, 2007

Cinemas show Gore’s film for free

Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth is to be shown free at a string of cinemas across the country from Thursday. The screenings in 17 towns and cities will run for a month. Roger Cox of the Planet Prosperity Foundation told ANP it was important that as many people as possible see the film.


Coffee shop smoking ban stupid, say MPs

A majority of MPs have called on health minister Ab Klink not to impose a smoking ban in coffee shops where small quantities of marijuana can be bought and smoked.

'People go there to smoke, the aim is to reduce public nuisance,' said Labour MP Lea Bouwmeester. Klink wants to bring in a smoking ban for the entire café and restaurant sector this year.

MPs from the Labour, Socialist, Liberal (VVD) and Groenlinks parties are against the ban in coffee shops which they say is stupid.


More cyclists killed in traffic accidents

The number of cyclists who died in road accidents last year rose almost 20% to 216, according to government statistics bureau CBS. In total 811 people died in road accidents, six fewer than in 2005. Holland has the second lowest number of traffic deaths in Europe.


Multinationals key for foreign staff

While companies such as Philips, Shell, KLM and Heineken are popular with foreign workers, there is a danger the Netherlands could lose out if too many Dutch companies are chopped up under pressure from activist shareholders.

The warning comes in a new survey by research company Intelligence Group, based on interviews with 21,000 people in nine European countries.

The survey shows that 18% of Europeans would like to work in the Netherlands, making it the 10th most popular destination. Top of the list are the US (35%), UK (34%) and France (30%).

As well as career prospects, international experience and high salaries, 'expats in the Netherlands specifically want a trustworthy and reliable employer,' said Intelligence Group's Yumi Stamet. 'They want to be in the middle of a cultural melting pot and in that sense Amsterdam is a magnet.'

However Stamet warned that with listed companies under increasing pressure from hedge funds to split up, there is a risk the Netherlands will no longer be as attractive to young and ambitious international staff.

Retailer Ahold, engineering concern Stork and now ABN Amro bank have all come under attack from activist hedge funds.

Dutch multinationals looking to recruit staff abroad also face obstacles, the survey showed, with language barriers and immigration rules the most problematic. Employers’ organisations have repeatedly urged the Dutch government to make it easier to bring in high-skilled staff, particularly IT workers and technicians.


Amsterdam is the most attractive city in the country to live in

Amsterdam is the most attractive city in the country to live in, according to the Atlas for Municipalities presented yesterday.In the atlas, the 50 largest municipalities are compared every year on 40 points. The attractiveness of Amsterdam mainly reflects its extensive cultural offerings, the presence of two universities and its many restaurants.The capital rates badly in the erea of safety and poverty. Regarding the percentage of privately-owned housing, it is right at the bottom (50th).Along with Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Amstelveen and Den Bosch are the top five most attractive towns.


Queen's Day 2007

Queen's Day 2007
Thousands of visitors flock to Amsterdam every year in honour of the previous queen’s birthday on 30 April. In what can be considered Amsterdam’s equivalent to carnival, Queen’s Day is celebrated so lavishly - never in your life will you see more orange! Highlights include a plethora of street markets, open air concerts, food stalls and an incredible atmosphere.

Queen’s Night
On the eve of Queen's Day, Queen's Night, thousands of people pour out onto the streets and into the clubs to get a head start on the celebrations. Just as on the following day, Queen’s Day, the city is struck with orange fever – orange banners and flags, orange coloured food and drinks and many people dressed and painted in the vibrant colour that honours the ‘House of Orange’ dynasty. Even the water in some fountains is dyed orange.

Live music is played on outside stages set up all over the city from 19:00 to 01:00. Stage areas include the Nieuwmarkt, Leidseplein, Reguliersdwarsstraat, Westermarkt, Westerstraat, Rembrandtplein and Amstelveld. Just about every bar and club in Amsterdam including the Melkweg, Club Rain, the Sugar Factory and Club 11put on a special Queen's Night party.

Street Markets (‘Vrijmarkt’)
Starting at 6 am, and closely following the festivities of the previous night, the street markets open. Spread over almost all districts in the city, the street markets offer excellent bargains on second-hand clothes, furniture and any trinket or treasurable trash you can imagine. The combination of street markets and stalls, live musicians and performers and the aroma of roasted satés and Vietnamese spring rolls create an extraordinary atmosphere.

Getting There
Last year, 400,000 visitors descended upon Amsterdam for Queen’s Day. Since the same amount of visitors is expected this year, it is advised to travel to Amsterdam by public transport.

Enjoy Queen's Day like a true Amsterdammer - wear orange!

Etichette: ,

sabato, aprile 07, 2007

Week Errica e Giovanna

Weekend a Marzo con Errica e Giovanna.

Amsterdam March 2007

Weekend con Milka e Ignasi